Nunez Student Email Addresses

Official College e-mail accounts are created for students 24 hours prior to the first day of class each semester (for those who do not already have an account), NOT upon their application to the College.  Students are required to use their Nunez-provided student email for any communication with faculty and staff of the Institution. Faculty and Staff will reserve the right to not communicate with a student through a student's personal email during the semester.

The usernames for email accounts are the same as those for LoLA accounts, and generally use the following format: (e.g.,

Please see our Student Access Procedure for a step by step guide on how to access your email, or you can follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Use the Forgot your password tab with your LoLA Username ( for this step don't put the in your username. )
  3. Reset your password.

At this point you will follow the usual steps for logging into your Nunez Email:

  1. Go to the Nunez Website:
  2. Click on Quick Links at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the Nunez Email link.
  4. Sign in with your full Email Address which is your LoLA Username (I.E. LoLA Username: johndoe, Email Address: and use the new password you have setup.

For help accessing your Nunez Email, please use our Nunez Email Help Form, or contact the Nunez IT Department at

Note:  Student emails are active only while a student is currently enrolled with the college.  If the student has not enrolled within the last two semesters their email account will be deleted.

Important Note: You will never be asked by a Nunez Employee in an email to provide either your LoLA or your Nunez Student Email login credentials. Nor will you receive any emails from a Nunez Employee stating that your account has reached its quota limit or will be deleted. If you are to receive any emails like this, please disregard these as SPAM/Phishing attacks.

Student Access to Microsoft Office Applications

Any student with a Active Nunez Student Email has free access to Microsoft M365, which includes the applications Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft Word.

You can access these applications online after signing into your Student Email, by selecting any one of them on the left-hand bar of the Microsoft 365 Home Screen.  If you are a Windows user, you can download a copy of this software using the Install Apps button on the top right-hand side of the Microsoft 365 Home Screen.  Your sign-in for any one of these Apps uses your Nunez Student Email Credentials.