Tuition Waivers, Exemptions, and 3rd Party Contracts

Tuition Waivers

This page provides an overview of tuition waivers, exemptions and 3rd party Contracts information currently offered at Nunez Community College.

Tuition waivers are applied only in specific situations for students who meet specific eligibility requirements. The information provided is intended for informational purposes and may not include all legislatively mandated waivers and exemptions available.

Eligible students must submit all required documents prior to the census date for each semester.

3rd Party Contracts

A third-party organization may sponsor a student’s enrollment by committing to paying a student's mandatory tuition and registration fees. Most organizations will grant the sponsorships through an application process. Once the student recipients are identified, the organization will send the funds to the school along with award processing instructions.

If the organization requires that they be invoiced directly before issuing payment, the student may request that the campus accept a Third Party Contract. The Bursar Office coordinates Third Party Contracts.  The Bursar’s Office does not assist students with identifying a sponsor. For more information, contact [email protected]

Eligibility for 3rd-Party Contract

A 3rd Party Contract may be granted if the sponsoring agency:

  • Will sponsor all or most of the student’s mandatory tuition and fees
  • Will send payment directly to Nunez Community College
  • The sponsoring agency provides an authorization letter to the student and/or directly to Accounts Receivable. All third-party billing letters must:
    • Be printed on company letterhead and addressed to Nunez Community College.
    • Include the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN Number)
    • Include the complete billing address of your organization, including a primary contact name (email address, phone and fax numbers)
    • Include student name and LoLA ID number
    • Indicate the semester of the sponsorship
    • List all fees the organization will cover
    • Indicate the maximum amount that will be paid, if applicable
    • Include any special billing instructions
    • Be signed by an authorized official

A student’s account is not eligible for a Third-Party Contract if:

  • The sponsor’s payments will be sent directly to the student
  • Only proof of enrollment or a copy of the student’s bill is required
  • The sponsorship is for living, travel or miscellaneous academic expenses (i.e., books, supplies)
  • The third party is a family member or a personal/family-owned business

Bursar Waiver Supporting Documentation Submissions

Supporting Documentation for Bursar Waivers can be submitted using our online form.